User Guide

Command Line

Common Examples

See the quickstart for common examples.


margaritashotgun has man configuration flags which are outlined in detail below.

$ margaritashotgun -h
usage: margaritashotgun [-h] (-c CONFIG | -s SERVER) [-P PORT] [-u USERNAME]
                        [-m MODULE] [-p PASSWORD] [-k KEY] [-f FILENAME]
                        [--repository] [--repository-url REPOSITORY_URL]
                        [-w WORKERS] [-v] [-b BUCKET | -o OUTPUT_DIR]
                        [-d LOG_DIR] [--log_prefix LOG_PREFIX]

Remote memory aquisition wrapper for LiME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path to config.yml
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        hostname or ip of target server
  -b BUCKET, --bucket BUCKET
                        memory dump output bucket
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        memory dump output directory

  -P PORT, --port PORT  ssh port on remote server
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        username for ssh connection
  -m MODULE, --module MODULE
                        path to kernel lime kernel module
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        password for user or encrypted keyfile
  -k KEY, --key KEY     path to rsa key for ssh connection
  -f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
                        memory dump filename
  --repository          enable automatic kernel module downloads
  --repository-url REPOSITORY_URL
                        repository url
  -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
                        number of workers to run in parallel,default: auto
                        acceptable values are(INTEGER | "auto")
  -v, --verbose         log debug messages

  -d LOG_DIR, --log_dir LOG_DIR
                        log directory
  --log_prefix LOG_PREFIX
                       log file prefix


The -c and --config flags accept a relative or absolute path to a yml config file. The structure of this file is outlided in the Configuration section below.


The -s and --server flags specify the server being targeted for memory capture. A DNS record or IP address are valid inputs.


The -b and --bucket flags specify the destination bucket when dumping memory to s3. This flag cannot be used in conjunction wth -o or --output_dir.


The -o and --output_dir flags specify the destination folder when dumping memory to the local filesystem. This flag cannot be used in conjunction with -b or --bucket.


The -p and --port flags specify the port that ssh is running on the remote server specified by -s or --server. This flag is optional and port 22 will be assumed if no value is provided.


The -u and --username flags specify the user account to authenticate with when connecting to the remote server specified by -s or --server.


The -m and --module flags accept a relative or absolute path to a LiME kernel module. This flag is required if no kernel module repository is enabled with the --repository flag.


The -p and --password flags specify the password used for authentication with connection to the remote server specified by -s or --server. When used in conjuction with the -k or --key flags this password will be used to unlock a protected private key file.


The -k and --key flags accept a relative or absolute path to a a private key file used for authentication when connecting to the server specified by -s or -server. If the private key file specified is password protected use the -p or --password flags to specify the password that unlocks the private key.


The -f and --filename flags specify the name of the file memory will be saved to when dumping to the local filesystem. The file will be saved to the local directory unless the -o or --output_dir options are configured.


The --repository flag enables automatic kernel module resolution via the repository configured with --repository-url. Margaritashotgun will not query any repositories unless explicitly enabled with the --repository flag.


The --repository-url flag specifies where to search for kernel modules. The default public repository provided by Threat Response is availible at


The -w and --workers flags specify how many worker processes will be spawned to process memory captures in parallel. The default value for this flag is auto which will spawn a process per remote host up to the number of cpu cores on the local system. Integer values can be provided instead of the auto keyword. Eg. --workers 3 will process 3 memory captures simultaneously.


The -v and --verbose flags enable debug logging, including each command executed on remote hosts as a part of the memory capture process.


The -d and --log_dir flags specify the directory in which to log files will be saved during memory capture.


The --log_prefix flag allows a custom case number to be prepended onto log files for easy identification.

Configuration File

Example configuration files are availible in the repository. More documentation about the configuration file format is in the works.

Managing AWS Credentials

Margaritashotgun does not support explicitly declaring aws credentials. Currently the only way to interact with S3 is by configuring an aws profile. A feature is planned to allow selecting a profile other than the default profile. Until that feature is completed the default profile must be used.

Wrapping Margarita Shotgun

Margarita Shotgun can be driven by another program when included as a python module. The configuration object passed to the margaritashotgun client must have the exact structure of the configuration file outlined above.


>>> import margaritashotgun
>>> config = dict(aws dict(bucket = 'case-bucket'),
...               hosts = [ dict(addr = '',
...                              port = 22,
...                              username = 'ec2-user',
...                              key = '/path/to/private-key') ]
...               workers = 'auto',
...               logging = dict(log_dir = 'logs/',
...                              prefix = 'casenumber-'),
...               repository = dict(enabled = true,
...                                 url = ''))
>>> capture_client = margaritashotgun.client(name='mem-capture', config=config,
...                                          library=True, verbose=False)
>>> response =
>>> print(response)

Note that calling is a blocking operation.

Real world implementation

An example of wrapping margaritashotgun is the project aws ir availible on github.